Friday, November 20, 2015


Oh how she has changed from birth till the present.
Sachi you have been one of the biggest blessings in our
Family and an answer to prayers a miracle baby as the doctor would say. 
The last month and a half has been a long road 
Many people have been asking for updates and amongst the craziness I haven't been able to keep everyone as updated or as much info as they would like so here goes an update from October 2nd till the present day November 20th.
Sachi started with minimal cold symptoms on October 2nd by October 4th she was to the point of antibiotics & many long days those days turned into weeks and those weeks into months
From a cold
No appetite
Ear aches
Sore throat 
Lung infections
Multiple IVs
Ambulance ride
Hospital over nighters
Many doctor visits
Blood work
Lots of meds and natural remedies
Lost 3lbs
Nose and throat swabs
Through all this 
She also has a breathing/snoring issue that has been looked into and in January we begins sleep study and to test for other issues while sleeping 
She will have a good one or two days and only have something mild but then go back down hill the doctors are starting to get more concerned as time goes on Sachi now through all this on a happy note she turned ONE due to all the sickness we had to cancel her party and pics but it was a smart decision 
Lists of a few things that have happened
Walking-10months old
Talking- 8months 
Running-just now
Climbing-a year old
Super heroes/captain America
Princesses Mulan,Ariel and jasmine 
Her brothers
A total daddy's girl
A tom girl at heart and a beautiful girly girl on the outside she can stand firm against her brothers and has everyone wrapped around her finger 

Currant stage
Horrible lung infection

Please keep her in your prayers for more updates or more currant ones you can email me at

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My reasons

Mommy DRAMA..Whats that you may ask? Its something that has been bothering me a ton lately.

I am used to getting comments like 

You had Clayton before marriage?
Oh my you had twins bet your hands are full
Wait, what you have 4 under 4 are you crazy?
Why so many kids so quickly

Stuff like that I can handle I learned to get past, but lately comments about how I do things is really hurting me. Why must mommy world be so judgmental? As long as the kids is loved, healthy and taken well care of who cares how they do it. You don't know why they chose to do things that way. Dont Judge!


Oh wait, why can i be so proud of this? 

Its because it was the best choice for my family and I'm doing the BEST i can and thats the best thing a mom could ever do!

Here are the reasons behind my choices

Why do we formula feed?
Clayton- my milk never came in till almost 3 weeks after he was born. By then he was already bottle feeding and taking formula that we felt it was better off this way..Plus I had lots of health issues and a month or 2 after him I had surgery. 
The twins- We did try to breast feed them, due to them 2 months early they couldn't latch well that I moved to pumping for them and they fed my babies through a feeding tube, but breast milk wasn't enough formula had to be added. I pumped for 2 weeks and was able to pump enough that they were stocked and had it for a total of 4 weeks with formula added. After that I stopped, it was alot of work having twins and a toddler needing me. Pumping and then mixing it with formula just to feed them took alot. We chose formula again. 
Sachi-  Her birth did NOT go as planned and was separated from me before I could see her! I saw her 17 hours after she was BORN(Granted, I was separated from all my kids after they were born hardest thing ever to not be able to hold them right away it just wasnt an option). I couldn't breast feed her lungs were so poor we chose formula again and if anything that helped her gain weight faster do to being so mall and actually kept jaundice levels down. I did let her latch a few times, but due to health complications again I was medicated for 3 months after she was born and I was not going to give her breast milk that was toxicated from these meds

Other reasons..All my kids are lactose and soy sensitive

Its not that I didn't want to breast feed its that I couldn't without some sort of complication. When sachi and the twins did latch a few times it broke my heart that couldn't breast feed. So, when people judge me not only does it offend me it breaks me..I was NOT able to and it WAS the best choice for my family and I.

Disposable diapers? 
How can I put those none organice toxic things on them? 
Cloth diapers were just not something I was into at the time I had clayton, the twins well they were TWINS I had enough stress with just them, Sachi we have actually decided we will use organic disposables. Plus a side note brock doesn't like cloth hehe..
No big reason here just something we did not choose to do

Why am I a stay at home mom?

Yes, I know we could probably be better off financially if I chose to work, but I grew up with a stay at home mom and loved it, I wanted to be able to due to the same thing for my kids it was a decision Brock and I both made before Clayton was born. I wanted that bonding time with my kids! Its a life style I chose and love it! 

Co-sleeping/baby wearing

Why do I not have the baby with my 24/7..I have other kids, I don't feel comfortable sleeping with my child in my arms, holding my kid all the time or even in a back pack is not easy when I have other little ones that need my attention too! I also don't have physical strength back to normal yet, I am still dealing with health issues since my last C-section.

 Why a C-section?
Clayton- 24 1/2 hours of labor and he wasn't moving his way out, a c-section was ordered and come to find out that he was being strangled by his cord, if we would have forced him out he could have died. C SECTION saved my little ones life

Twins- Well, we planned a C-section due to the fact I already had one and the fact it was twins

Sachi- Once you had 2 C-sections it was a given that it would be again, except this one did NOT go smoothly and almost 5 months later I am still dealing with complications

Yes, c sections are not natural, but that doesn't mean I had an easy birthing experience. Clayton and the twins I still delt with contractions, bleeding, and recovery. Sachi no contractions with her, but I delt with and still am healing from her. So NO its not the lazy easy way out of giving birth its a SURGERY your insides come out and then you pray they all go back in right :)

These are just some of the topics we deal with every day. Yes, there are more but this states my point. Before judging, commenting or bragging how you do things to some one you might want to re-think it. 
I am so happy for my friends who could breast feed, baby wear, natural births and so on.

The mommy world should be one of a happy, loving, caring and just being there and encourage one and other.. Because as any mom would know you would love to be encouraged instead of dragged down when your trying your best..

Yes, I am sure I have been judgmental too, but i'm trying my best to not be and thats all anyone can do! 

We are all mommies and we are doing our BEST!

Encourage, help and love one another! 

I love you all my mommy friends and you are doing an AMAZING JOB!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Our little ROO

Sachi aka little Roo, not sure why we call her roo but we have since day one. 
She is 4 months old as of yesterday.
Where has the time gone?
 4 month check up
Weight: 12lbs 5oz
Height: 24 1/2 inches
15th percentile.
Doctor said she is perfect in every way!
She is our first baby girl, our smallest baby we have had and is our last. The emotions that I have been dealing with are ones that I didn't think I would go through. Knowing that this are last moments in baby mode is kind of sad for us. 
I'm treasuring these moments like crazy.
Shes been sleeping through the night since she was a few weeks old 
Eats about 5-6oz at each feeding
a corner of a tooth she popped but nothing else
She loves to talk, smile and roll.
Trying to do sit ups on the couch or boppy pillow is her new trick
She is our happiest baby ever, which is great since i have 3 boys keeping me on my feet at all times

Thanks for reading my blogs
stay tune for more soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

All about Clayton!

Clayton he is the sweetest boy ever, but is the one who keeps me on my toes for sure! He is a big help but sometimes is the one who frustrates me the most. Lately he has had to learn about patience and sharing his time. Going from the only child to having two brothers then a little while later adding his princess into the picture. Don't forget Clayton was begging for a baby sister way before we even thought about having another baby. I don't think he realized the changes it would make.

Its been hard trying to make one on one time with him lately and we have seen that hes been needing some time for just Mommy & Daddy time and NO little siblings included. We have decided to surprise him and take him on a mini vacation. No, he doesn't know a thing. I plan to pack his bag and hide it in the car without him knowing. We are taking him to the Wisconsin dells in less then 2 weeks. He won't find out until we get there. We can't wait to surprise him, even though just the other day he said he doesn't ever want to leave his siblings and go away from them even for a sleepover. Hopefully he will think differently once we get there!

For awhile now Clayton has been sleeping in our room on the floor. Yes, he loves the floor more then a bed. We have been trying to get him in his own room for awhile..We decorated his room and changed it up and that didnt work. We moved him into the twins room so he would not be alone that didnt work. We tried many different things. Two days ago Brock & I decided enough is enough and he needs to learn. The first night was horrible, lots of tears and waking us up in the middle of the night. Last night  was the 2nd night, there were a few tears but he calmed down and fell right to sleep and stayed in there all night! Hoping we are having a break through. Except he keeps asking to sleep on the floor in his room.. Why kid? The floor? I just don't get it. Two nights of him sleeping in his bed in his brothers room hopefully means this will stick right?

Lots of people have asked what we will be doing for his schooling this coming school year. To be honest we are NOT sure. Part of us wants to send him to school, but yet we would love to teach him here at home. I am in the process of looking up this online K5 program to see what that has to offer.
Trying to figure out whats best for him & us.

Thanks for falling my blog and hopefully now that we are getting back into our routine I will be able to blog more..

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy Birthday!

Wylder & Cruz
Happy 2nd Birthday!
I seriously can not believe how old my boys are seems like just yesterday they were born.
When Brock & I got married we knew we wanted another child right away, but that day I went to the doctors for them to confirm the pregnancy we found out that we were not getting just one baby!
2 more sweet little ones were going to be joining our family in 9 months. The pregnancy was long and hard. Lots of morning sickness and doctors telling me to rest, which I did not listen to them very well on that part..3 months of bedrest at the end was not what I wanted. My family and friends tried to keep me off my feet and help with the 2 year old toddler I was also trying to raise.
At 33 weeks and 1 day I woke up and went to the bathroom and realized I was bleeding a lot. In that moment my heart just broke. I did not know what was happening or if my 2 babies were ok. I swung open the bathroom door and yelled for Brock to wake up and that we had to go to the hospital right away. Now Brock is NOT a morning person but he must have known because I have never seen him get out of bed so fast. We grabbed clayton and we rushed to the hospital. Thankfully it is only 5 mins from our place. After being admitted into the hospital and was checked over we were being sent to froedert hospital in milwaukee. By the time I got there I dialted from a 2cm to a 6cm. They tried to stop labor but after a few hours there was no stopping it and they rushed me into a c-section..Our sweet baby boys were born around 4pm that afternoon. They were taken from me and were sent to the NICU right away. They were on oxygen for a short period of time and kicking butt at proving the doctors wrong and improved fast. We were told it could be 2 months before they would come home, but every day they proved them doctors wrong. 2 long weeks later they were sent home..and real life began.

In  the last 2 years they have changed so much. Both have their own personalities and favorite things. For twins there is nothing the same except their birthdates!

Cruz at 2 years old is a sweet cuddly boy who has a loving kind heart.

Wylder at 2 years old is a strong little guy his name fits him well hes very protective over his siblings.

They were both born at or around 5lbs each...Weight and height now we will find out on Wednesday.

Wishing my sweet boys a happy happy birthday!

I could not imagine my life any different yes they keep me on my toes, but I wouldn't have it any other way!



Friday, January 16, 2015

4 under 4

A life of 4 under 4.
Most people call me crazy, but I consider myself as blessed!
I have 4 beautiful healthy strong kids that are the biggest blessings in my life.
Yes, it may get challenging at times, but I chose this life and I couldn't imagine my life without them.
How do we do things you may ask and to be honest I'm not sure, we just make it happen.
We stick to a routine as best as we can which helps a ton.
Some thought we were insane for adding a fourth child to our family because we had twins or the fact that 4 under 4 was going to be hard for us, but I LOVE IT. Yes, running out to the store is harder or getting ready to go may take longer but I enjoy it. Unless you have lived in our shoes with our kids PLEASE don't judge us or call us crazy! Obvisiously we knew we wanted more and were up for the challenge. Sachi our last little one was planned we chose to add the fourth child to our family. We wanted them close in age and even our other kids wanted more siblings. We must be doing something right!
Sorry for the rant, I guess I just get frustrated with people making comments about my family for how many kids we have, how old we are, how we do things and random stuff like that if you don't like how we do things then please don't follow this up coming blog this blog is where I will be sharing our families life for those that would like to stay updated or for helpful tips.

Stay tuned for more blogs as there will be many more to come.
Leave a comment down belove of topics you would like me to post about!

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bringing it back

I'm back. Here I go again starting up a blog and hopefully this time I can keep it going.
Except we all know life can get crazy at times.

Now what I would like from you my fellow followers are topic ideas.
I usually write about my every day life and the kids, but if there is something you wanna hear about or certain topics you want me to blog about please let me know. 

 Stay tuned to see our first post about life in the Wojtalewicz family house.